Chapter 632 Fucking Awesome:>>Ep26
- I dimly remembered through my haze that she had said something about 'painting her face'. I began to groan out, "Gonna come," but Beth had felt my surge already. She pulled backward, sliding my dick from her mouth, then she began to jack me furiously, her other hand still cradling my balls. She closed her eyes and mouth... and smiled.
- Yeah, I painted her face. But it was more like those abstract paintings with giant smears of paint, rather than some pointillist aerosol spray. My knees wobbled uncontrollably and my dick beyond throbbed in her hand as gobs of cum shot out of me in several huge gouts, each of which made me feel like I was dying gloriously as it ejected.
- Beth just smiled serenely as one spray coated her closed right eye. The next splashed across her nose and a cheek. Another liberally coated her closed lips, chin and upper throat. Others filled in the gaps a bit.